10 Powerful Prayer Points for Fruit of the Womb with Bible Verses

Bringing a child into the world is a profound desire for many couples. However, the journey to parenthood can be filled with challenges and obstacles.

In times of difficulty, turning to prayer can provide solace, hope, and spiritual guidance. Here are 10 powerful prayer points for those seeking the fruit of the womb, supported by biblical verses to strengthen faith and perseverance.

10 Powerful Prayer Points for Fruit of the Womb with Bible Verses

Below is a list of 10 Powerful Prayer Points for Fruit of the Womb with Bible Verses;

Prayer Point 1:

Heavenly Father, grant us unwavering faith to trust in Your perfect timing. Help us believe that Your plans for us are good, and Your promises are true. Give us patience as we wait for the blessing of children.

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Bible Verse:  Jeremiah 29:11

Prayer Point 2:

Merciful God, we pray for physical health and fertility. Bless our bodies and remove any hindrances to conception. May Your healing touch restore wholeness and vitality to our reproductive systems.

Bible Verse: Psalm 113:9

Prayer Point 3:

Loving Savior, in moments of despair and discouragement, grant us emotional strength and stability. Lift the heaviness from our hearts and fill us with peace that surpasses all understanding.

Bible Verse: Psalm 55:22

Prayer Point 4:

Gracious God, bind us together as husband and wife in love and unity. Strengthen our marriage amidst the challenges of infertility. Help us communicate with compassion and support each other with understanding.

Bible Verse: Ecclesiastes 4:9

Prayer Point 5:

Provider of all things, we seek Your provision in our financial needs. Grant us wisdom in managing our resources and bless us abundantly, enabling us to pursue fertility treatments or adoption without worry.

Bible Verse: Philippians 4:19

Prayer Point 6:

Almighty God, shield us from doubt and fear that threaten to weaken our faith. Help us trust in Your unfailing love and believe in Your power to fulfill our deepest desires.

Bible Verse: Proverbs 3:5

Prayer Point 7:

Sovereign Lord, guide us in making decisions regarding our journey to parenthood. Grant us discernment and wisdom to choose the path that aligns with Your will and leads us to blessings beyond measure.

Bible Verse: Proverbs 3:6

Prayer Point 8:

Heavenly Father, surround us with a supportive community of family, friends, and fellow believers. May their encouragement and prayers uplift our spirits and strengthen our resolve during this trying time.

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Bible Verse: 1st Thessalonians 5:11

Prayer Point 9:

Gracious God, help us maintain an attitude of gratitude, even amidst the challenges of infertility. Open our eyes to the blessings surrounding us and fill our hearts with thankfulness for Your faithfulness and provision.

Bible Verse: 1st Thessalonians 5:16-18

Prayer Point 10:

Heavenly Father, grant us the grace to surrender our desires and plans to Your perfect will. Help us accept whatever outcome You have ordained for our journey to parenthood, knowing that Your ways are higher than ours.

Bible Verse: Luke 22:42


In times of longing and uncertainty on the journey to parenthood, prayer can serve as a source of strength, comfort, and hope. By lifting up these powerful prayer points supported by biblical truths, may couples seeking the fruit of the womb find solace in the promises of God and experience His abundant blessings in His perfect timing.

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